Thursday, July 10, 2008

An Extra Thought on Names

Poor Dad is still in the hospital.  He's sweet talking the nurses into doing anything he wants, so I know he's on his way back to being more like himself!  
Strange question tonight, I know...

If you had a daughter and naming her was solely up to you, what would you name her?
How 'bout a son?


Melissa said...

I didn't know you had a blog! I saw your comment on Emily's blog and followed the link! :)

Well, luckily, Gus and I have always loved Rachel adn it was our "girl name" for every pregnancy. And we finally got to use it! :) Still seems like a big name for her as she mostly gets called "baby girl"

Other names I loved:

I'm sure I'll think of more later...

kim-d said...

I miss you so much, Lanny. Soon I hope to be a better manager of time but, until I do, don't forget me, okay?

My favorite girl's name - Amelia Elizabeth, Amy for short. My favorite boy's name - Thomas Whatever-Husband's-Name-Is. For a girl, I also like Erin, Rachel, Susan and some others I can't think of for now. When I think of them, I'll stop back. HAHAHA!

Miss you!

eddie said...

Josephine. Not that we want to have kids of course, but that would be the name . . .

Boy? Eddie Jr.

Lizzy said...

Hmmmmm... I'm done with having kids, but I always said if I'd had a daughter I'd name her Zoe.

I liked Taylor for either gender, as it's a family name, but one of my cousins used it.

Lizzy said...

eeeek.. I forgot to mention before, there's another basket of laundry waiting to be folded!

Does this crap multiply when I'm asleep?

Daisy, Just Daisy said...

Caroline Grace
Lillian Rose

Thomas Dean

Daisy, Just Daisy said...

Ooh I forgot a few.

Jacqueline- Jaci
Isabella- Bella


And here are my thoughts on names:

They should be unique enough that they won't have 3 other kids with the same name in their 6th grade classroom.

They should be common place enough that they don't have issues with spelling/misspelling/confusion/ability to prounounce.

My name "tests"

- Would it look nice/normal embroiderd on a high-school sports team bag?

- Would a future employer be able to pronounce it off of a resume?

- Would it look proper on a business card for a traditional profession? But also look good signed at the bottom of a painting or on a book cover?

joanne said...

So glad your dad is doing better.
Lindsay Grace


Have a good weekend ;)

Mama E said...

Who knows?
Girls: Margaret (Maggie), Charlotte (DH doesn't like this!), Amelia, Elyse

Boys: Samuel, Jonah, Evan(a version of a family name), ????

katy said...

I am so far beyond babies that I don't think of names anymore....I know a woman who has the cutest little girl and her name is Samantha and they call her Sammy, I have always liked that. I love Grace. Boys names are harder to come up with for me.

Melissa said...

I figured out you question! Even though I never post (cause I hardly work out! LOL), I still lurk on the workout thread! Shhh-don't tell! ha!

So very excited for you!! I'd love to hear the final decision when you make one!

Leeann said...

Girl- Savannah or Laura- something classic but less common than it used to be.
