Friday, August 10, 2007

Extra Thanks!

We're home. Many thanks for the prayers and good thoughts. Linus did amazingly well. I'll post more later...for now, I'm off to snuggle with my pint size drunk. :)


kim-d said...

YES!!! See, I told you I had an "in"--HAHA! So glad THAT'S over. Now I'm just trying to imagine what med-induced "Linus-isms" have come out of her mouth today. Can't wait for those!

kim-d said...

It's Sunday, and I just can't help but wonder how your pint-sized drunk is doing? Hopefully, snapped out of her drunkenness by now, because I cannot even begin to imagine how funny she would be under those circumstances. Which sounds kinda sick on my part, but you know what I mean, right? She's just such a card to begin with...add odd substances, and I would imagine anything could happen!

At any rate, hope all is well and that the weekend has been a good one!