Thursday, August 9, 2007

An Extra One for My Dad

Dad had two recent favorite "Linus Moments" that he loved shortly before his accident. The first was a conversation between the two of them. Linus noticed some of Dad's change on a table, and told him "I need that money." Knowing the change was pennies, he reached into his pocket and pulled out some larger coins. Linus immediately said, "No, not that kind of money. I need the paper kind!" That's my child, go for the big ones!

His other favorite happened when my mom was visiting. We (Mom and I) left early one morning to go get my car fixed. I said goodbye to Linus, but she was sleepy and didn't remember where I had gone. She asked her daddy if I had gone to get a tooth fixed (we went to the dentist a few days before) and he told her no, I'd gone to get my car fixed. She jumped out of the car at school and greeted one of the 3K teachers with, "Good morning Ms Lori! My mommy went to get fixed today!"

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