Monday, April 21, 2008

Extra Happy

Tomorrow we get WonderDog back. She's been at her trainer's place for two weeks.  We found this trainer back when we still had our first baby.  Henroid (not his real name, but his real nickname---and yes, it's spelled like that, not with an m) was a bit neurotic.  He was a Border Collie, which pretty much explains everything.  He could UNLOCK doors with his teeth, he could unwrap candy without you even knowing he'd been in it, he could jump higher than any dog I've ever seen, and he kept his toys in a particular place. If you got them out of order, he'd fix it right away.  I loved this dog immensely, but he really was neurotic.  He had a stroke at a young age, and things went downhill from there.  We took him to numerous vets trying to find a way to make his quality of life better.  We even took him to this trainer in hopes that he could help him with his neurotic tendencies.  We were hopeful that if we could calm him down, he'd stop having strokes.  In the end, we lost him.  I have a pic of Linus with him his last day. She loves that picture and often speaks of The Roid.  

Anyway, getting back to the much as we love WonderDog, and as much as we've missed her, it's been SO easy not having her around.  I get to sleep through the night without her insanely loud snoring (she's 75 lbs, she sleeps on her back, and she has a big honking schnoz, need I say more?), I get to enjoy my evenings without her manly burps, and I don't have to walk her multiple times throughout the day.  I also haven't had to pick up dog hair as often as I usually do, though we all know dog hair is never truly gone for good.

Tonight, without knowing WonderDog is coming home tomorrow, Linus said, "We need to go get WD soon. I miss her. She misses me, and she's really worried about me."

I asked her how she knew.   "Wouldn't you miss me and worry about me?"  

Well, yes Linus, I would. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The best part about having the floors redone was having the dog out of here for 10 days. In addition to all the things you mentioned, this guy is getting old and thinks he has to go out at 2 or 3 a.m. every night. And for 10 whole days - no rivers on my kitchen floor (because he drips half the water onto the floor whenever he drinks).