Thursday, January 24, 2008

An Extra Theory

This morning as I got ready, I noticed lip gloss all over some other make-up that I have.

Me: Linus, have you been playing in my make-up?

Linus: No.

Me: Are you sure?

Linus (devilish grin): Why?

Me: There's lip gloss on this container. I didn't do it. Did you? Did you play with my make-up?

Linus: I didn't play with your lip color.

Me: Then how did it get there? I think you played with it.

Linus: Well, here's my theory....

I'm in so much trouble when she hits the teenage years!


kim-d said...

Notice she only said she DIDN'T play with the LIP COLOR...

And she already has theories? OY!
You are in worse trouble than I thought :)!

I sorta (yeah, a whole lotta sorta) miss you.

Leia H said...

LMAO! You are doomed!