Friday, January 18, 2008

An Extra Peek at Life in Lannyland

Try to contain yourselves. I know I'm about to make you jealous. Yeah, that's it, my life is soooo exciting!

I just had an argument with my child about the word "lightbulb." On occasion, she gets words wrong, but most of the time I find them cute. Lightball, however, drives me up the wall. Instead of flat out correcting her, I simply said lightbulb when I answered her question. She looked at me funny, so I knew she picked up on it. Again, I used lightbulb when referring to it.

Linus: Why do you keep saying that? It's shaped like a ball. It's lightBALL.
Me: Actually it is lightBULB.
Linus: You're silly Mommy. It DOES have a ball on the end. It's lightBALL.
Me: No, really it's lightBULB.
Linus: Yeah? Then why do they put a ball on the end of one? It's lightBALL.
Me: Honestly, it's lightBULB.
Linus: So why is a lightBALL shaped like a BALL?
Me: I don't know. Maybe it gives off more light that way.
Linus: Maybe because it's a lightBALL.
Me: Army, please tell your daughter it's called a lightBULB.
::Army snores on the couch::
Linus: Mommy, you're making Daddy so bored he's snoring!
Me: No I'm not, he's asleep.
Linus: 'Cause he's bored.
::I think my head started spinning at this point::
Linus: AND it's a lightBALL.
Me: No it's not. It's a lightBULB.
Linus: Well, you can have whatever you want in the kitchen. In MY room, I have lightBALLS. I like balls, Mommy. I want BALLS in. My. Room.

All of a sudden it dawned on me: I'm arguing with a four year old over a lightball. BULB. Whatever. That's not as concerning anymore. I'm far more freaked out by her last sentence!

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