Saturday, February 28, 2009

Questions I've Been Asked This Week

Linus stumps me with her questions on regular basis. I think I've mentioned the time she asked our realtor what a square foot is when she was four. Our realtor nearly fell off her chair. Over the past week, she's had some doozies.

*(I was cooking pasta) Mama, I see the smoke (steam) coming from the pot, but then it disappears. What's happening to it? Where is it going? Why does it disappear? *Side note: I LOVE the way she says disappear: dis-duh-peers

*Mama, when you die, what happens to your peepee and poopoo?

*Mama, after you die, what does God put on you? What does he use for a diaper?

*Mama, can I have at least a brother and one more sister?

*Mama, how exactly do babies get out? This has been asked several times, but my sister is due soon, so her pregnancy has brought up several questions.

*Mama, how do babies get in?

*Mama, can we pick up dinner tonight and pretend you made it?

*Mama, how come we can't see the moon during the day? Where does it go? Sometimes I see it, but not usually. When I do see it, it looks like a puff of smoke that is in a circle like a moon, not a lighted up moon. How come?

So far I can answer her questions, but I think I've only got another 6 months or so until she passes up my abilities!


kim-d said...

Well, if you've still got 6 good months left, then tip of the cap to ya! She passed me up...oh...about a year-and-a-half ago! I love it, though. Anything she says and/or does is just fine with me. :)

brainella said...

Sometimes I have to make up stuff because I have no clue what to say. :-)

joanne said...

YIKES! I agree with Kim-d, six-months may be pushing it! You could have her save some of these questions for Army to answer ;) But, if you're like me you don't want to miss any of the action or discusson. Well my've got you work cut out for you and you may need backk-up! And those teen years...well..that goes unsaid. You will see soon enough!! Hope your weekend is going well. Take care.. ;j

Overflowing Brain said...

Can we pick up dinner tonight and pretend you made it is by far my favorite.

Creative, and also simultaneously a little lazy. I love it. :)

Alice said...

The peepee and doodoo question killed me! If you ever want to get rid of her--please, please, please let me have her! :)

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

You have to love that she's a thinker. My oldest daughter was just like her...I remember all the baby questions - you will be able to answer them tuthfully just fine...don't sweat it =)

Mary Ellen said...

I love the questions. Mine used to ask me things in the car all the time, and sometimes I would get laughing so hard I'd have to pull over.

You also reminded me that my oldest used to say "just-appeared" instead of "disappeared." Sample conversation: ME-where's your hat? B-I don't know. It just appeared (accompanied by the cutest shoulder shrug ever). It took us years to convince him he was actually saying the exact opposite of what he meant.