Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Ya think she knows?

I have serious issues with my children growing up. It's happening too quickly. Waayyy too quickly. I, however, don't want Linus to be aware of my desire to keep her pint sized forever. I get the feeling that might be unfair. ;) I thought I was doing a pretty good job at hiding it until this morning in the car.

You know, Mama, I'm going to be six next Wednesday. I know you're not ready for that, but you need to be prepared. It's going to happen. You can't stop it.

I guess I don't hide things as well as I think I do since my FIVE (saying it as often as I can until next Wednesday!) year old can see right through me.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the club. I can't hide anything. Bad news - if your daughters are anything like my kids, they will exploit. I got myself a new toy that I am trying not to let my daughter know about because I plan on getting one for her for her birthday. If she was home instead of in that dorm, she'd know. Even without ever seeing it, she'd know.

Leia H said...

LMAO! What a smart cookie! I do hope you continue this blog for many years to come...because those whoppers are only gonna get bigger in the next few years!! :)

Mary Ellen said...

What a smart little one you have there! She sounds wise beyond her years!

kim-d said...

Awww, man, Lanny. SIX. Next you're gonna tell me singing Disney princess birthday cards no longer cut the mustard with her. Next I'll have to search around for Hannah Montana or High School Musical or something like that. EEEK! By the way, could you advise on that? I want to make sure she gets a card. SIX...I'm going to go cry now.

katy said...

Right around their 16th or 17th birthday you start thinking ...maybe them growing up isn't too bad. I'm just kidding, as old as mine are I still mourn their younger days.