Thursday, January 29, 2009

Extra Sick

WHY oh why are soooo many people googling 'extra long tongue?' I get multiple hits per day from a google search using those words. Sometimes it varies a bit to 'girl with long tongue.' I don't care how you phrase it, somethings not right with that many people looking it up.

Guess it's time to change my settings!

What google searches turn up on your blog that amaze you?


Anonymous said...

Bahahahaha!!! At least my odd search items are "G" rated! The most common search on mine was anything Muffin Man related. That changed when crossword puzzles started using one of "Frank's wives" as a clue. On days that runs, I jump from my usual 20 or 30 hits a day to 350 or so.

brainella said...

HAHAHAHA! Oh, that just made my day.

joanne said...

ummm, okay,,,call me duh? How do you find that out??

Doreen said...

The strangest one on mine is "strawberries and diarrhea". I wrote a post a couple of years ago, about the strawberries we were growing, and the kids who had diarrhea. I'm sure whoever clicks through is rather disappointed that the post is not, in fact, about strawberries causing diarrhea. LOL

Mike said...

I wrote a post awhile ago about how I taught my daughters to take care of themselves when out on a date. If the guy got extra "frisky" then she could kick them in the nuts.

OMG I've had more hits from google on that. Boy kicked in the nuts. Kicking someone in the nuts. Why my husband likes to be kicked in the nuts.

It's crazy out there, I'm telling you...

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

Oh lawsy, I'll have to check my stats to see if I'm getting any naughty hits!