Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Extra Hard of Hearing

I have a cold. It's making it difficult for me to hear clearly. Can you guess what I misunderstood in my conversation with Linus?

L: Guess what we learned about in school today, Mama.
Me: Ooohhh, something fun, I bet! Tell me.
L: Incest. (Army starts laughing because he knows I must have heard it wrong)
L: Incest.
Me: WHAT??? (Army is laughing hysterically at this point)
L: Incest. You know.
Army: Tell Mommy what that is.
L: Bugs, Mommy. Bugs.
Me: Army, did she say insects the whole time?
Army: (laughing) Yep! But I knew what you heard!


Leia H said...

OMG! That is hilarious!

Alice said...

I was PRAYING it was about bugs!!

katy said...

I don't think they learn about incest until Jr. High. Then they learn all kinds of things.

Mike said...

Start worrying if the start teaching insect incest. Then your in trouble...

Leeann said...


I can only imagine your horrified expression!