Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Good, The Bad, and The Great

First the good:
As I sat still in carpool line yesterday waiting for Linus, I was met with an unusual silence. Lolly usually screams when we're not moving, but today she was looking out her window towards the sky. I tilted my head back in the headrest and gazed at the sky too. It was full of clouds. I immediately saw two cloud shapes. The first was a playful dog, mouth open, with floppy ears, kind of like what you'd see in an ad from the 50s. The second was a loooonnng wiener dog with droopy ears. As I sat there staring at the sky, I was brought back to college. We used to go to the bowl to "study" and we'd inevitably lean back to enjoy and soak up the sun's rays. We'd watch the clouds go by, occasionally commenting on the figures we saw in the clouds. Rarely did anybody see what somebody else pointed out, but it was always fun. The wind began to blow, so the clouds began moving quickly, but I was still enjoying it. I noticed some very dark clouds, but above them were the fluffiest whitest clouds I've ever seen. It was rather relaxing and amusing

Until the bad...
All of a sudden I got a horrible pain. Horrible. I wore jeans and a t-shirt to pick up Linus today, and somehow in all my moving around to look at the clouds, I pinched my thigh with the jeans. Ouch! It hurt! Badly! And since I was in carpool line, there was nothing I could do. I tried to wiggle a little, but it didn't help. I tried to stretch my leg a bit, but that didn't help either. I certainly couldn't jump out of my car to fix it. Ugh! Hurry up carpool line! Finally the line began moving, and I was able to pick up Linus. A mere 10 minutes and I'd be home sweet home.

Then the great happened...
On the drive home, Linus said, "Oh look at those clouds Mommy! Look, that one looks like a turkey. And look! The sun looks like the Star of Bethlehem the way it's shining down! I just love looking at the clouds, Mama!"

Me too, my baby, me too!


Doreen said...

How fun! Well, except for the pinch. :p

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