Sunday, January 18, 2009

Logic Linus Style

Linus got in a bit of trouble at school on Monday and Wednesday this week. Nothing too serious, but still trouble. She got put on "yellow" at school, and she was punished at home. This weekend she wanted to go to our local science center. It really is a lot of fun, and they change the exhibits often, so there's always something new to see. I explained that we were not going to the science center because she was on yellow twice this week, and that is unacceptable in our house, so we definitely weren't rewarding it. As innocently as she could, she looked at me and said, "But Mama, they weren't next to cheethother (each other)." as in yellow Monday, green Tuesday, yellow Wednesday, and green Thursday.

I hate when she does that! It's so hard to discipline her when she's so funny! We still do, but I sure am laughing inside!

1 comment:

Leeann said...

I can hardly imagine Linus getting in trouble!
Trey got in trouble last week during math group. I made him write an "I'm sorry" card to his math teacher, apologizing and telling her how he could have handled the situation differently.

Not sure how much *he* got out of it, but *I* felt better. lol
