Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Extra Gross

Wonder Dog? NOT so wonderful right now. She had the nerve to wake me up from my five minute nap. She wasn't barking, she was pumping her stomach. GROSS! Have I mentioned Army calls me a hurl-a-phobe because I absolutely cannot stand anything dealing with vomit? EWWW! She's fine now, so who knows what it was. Despite her bark the other night, she does not get any people food, so I don't think that's what it was. She doesn't go outside when we're not out, so I don't think she ate something bad outside. She's better now though, and that's what's important.

Linus learned our phone number today. She's tried learning it on and off over the past few months, but she just couldn't get it. Today I sang it to her to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and she learned it immediately. She also learned to spell our last name. :) Now she wants to learn to tie her shoes. Oh and guess what? She has a speaking part in her preschool Christmas play!

1 comment:

kim-d said...

Awww...she wants to tie her own shoes! That could just about make a Mom cry, couldn't it?

My Mom was the same as you. Nobody in our house could ever be sick alone; if someone was pukin', she was too!