Sunday, November 18, 2007

Extra Curious

I've never been one to deal well with suspense. I go nuts at Christmas when I see a wrapped present and don't know what it is. I do a really good job at not peeking at my presents, mainly because I do want some surprise on Christmas, but I have to admit (blush) that I have gone as far as peeking at Linus's presents from relatives and friends. I just can't help myself.

Army pulled a really good one over on me when he asked me to marry him. How he kept that secret from me I'll never know. I had a really good feeling it was coming, but I didn't know for certain, and he really shocked me when he did it. I totally wasn't expecting it---to the extent that I changed plans and went out with friends that evening. Oops!

I also have a lot of trouble reading books. I LOVE to read, but the suspense drives me bonkers. I will literally get panicky trying to keep from reading the end of the book. The only thing that saves me is knowing it won't be any fun to read the book if I already know the ending.

My point is I really have a hard time with suspense. A really, really really hard time! I'm going absolutely nuts trying to figure out who some of you are. New York, New York--I've got some family there, but I don't think that's who you are. Actually, you are one person who checks from a few different places within the city, or there are a few of you out there. Really, in NY it's New York City and Buffalo (shout out to Buffalo--dated a great guy from there once) and a few other places I've never heard of, but now I'm super curious about them. North Carolina--same story, but this time I know you aren't my family because I've got people from ALL over NC checking in. I'm going bonkers not knowing who you are. GREAT people in my life come from NC! Washington (Seattle to be exact)--who are you??? Illinois, Georgia, Indiana, and Michigan---y'all are checking in from all over the state, and I can't figure it out. It's like a suspense novel and the ending has been ripped out. I'm going NUTS! Texas--I've got family there too, but I've got readers from all over TX too. Same for California--y'all are all over the state. Virginia, Minnesota, Iowa WHO are you??? Canada, oh Canada, who are all of you? I know there's more than one of you, and I secretly (or not so secretly anymore) LOVE that each of you usually read for a while each visit. Wisconsin, who are you? My sister spent time there training for Trane, but I know you're not my sister--she's not there anymore. Louisiana, again, tons of family there, but I *think* I know who most of you are. Florida, who are you? I was in your neck of the woods in September--loved it there! Alabama, I can't forget my own state. I know I'll never know who reads from my city, but there are a lot of you out there, and I don't think I know somebody from all the cities reading. AACCKKK! I'm going nuts!

I get readers from outside North America, but they usually aren't repeat readers. Hello, Italy, you are a repeat reader. Who are you? LOVE your food! :)

To be fair, I do know who some of my readers are: I know some of Maryland, but not all. I know some of Virginia, some of Minnesota, some of Georgia, some of Indiana, but I don't know who all of the people from those states checking in are.

I've got to stop before I do any other states. I'm working myself up to suspense overload! Seriously, I'm going crazy trying to imagine who you could be. Come on, friends, throw me a bone. Give me a hint. Please? Pretty please??? Please, please, please? I don't do well with suspense! I bet you couldn't tell that though! ;)

ETA: Who ever you are ::Afghanistan:: who hacked my blog and changed my profile, you can bite me. To all the others, I still love you! :)

Edited Again To Add: HA! I might be on to something! I enabled my email incase anybody didn't want to comment, but was willing to let me know who they are. I've already gotten two emails. WOOHOO! You people rock!


Anonymous said...

Hmmm.... readers from New York? Nope, don't know anyone who lives in NY.

I want readers from Italy. I think they should be reading my blog just on the remote chance that we're related 32,394,295 generations back.

Lanny said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lanny said...

Hey Monkling, I don't know how you do it, but you don't show up on my analytics or sitemeter. Hmmm! Now I'm even more curious!

Hello, Italy reader?--->Go check out Monkling! :)

kim-d said...

HAHAHA--maybe I should try this! I've wondered about mine, too--especially Italy, Poland and the Ukraine! And the ever-mysterious Monkling doesn't show up on mine, either--I think it's cause she has us on that Google Reader thingamajiggy that I don't understand at all. That was a great approach for Italy, though--"DUDE, LOVE YOUR FOOD"--hahaha!
I wanna know more about whoever it was who changed your profile; that is a little scary...why would someone do that?

I love that you're worse than a little kid when it comes to curiosity!

Leeann said...

How do you know what states your readers are reading from? What are you using that gives you that info? I don't think I can do that; or if I can, I don't know it!


Mama said...

Hi, I'm one of your Indiana readers and a fellow IAC alumn. How do you know who your readers are and where they're from if they don't comment by the way. I'd be curious to know who all reads our blog.
Fellow IAC alumn

Anonymous said...

Uh... oops. I don't show up because I have Javascript disabled in my web browser. I just enabled it so I should show this time around. And Kim is right about Google Reader. If someone reads the blog through that, it won't show up as a hit because they're not actually going to your blog. But if they want to comment, then it'll show up as a hit because you can't comment through Reader.

katy said...

I only check in occasionally from Ohio but I'm here! I think I usually show up as reading from Cincinnati though I live 3 hours from there.

Lanny said...


I have site meter and google analytics on my blog. Site meter is immediate, analytics has a 24 hr delay (unless you play with it). Neither catches all readers, but they're both fun to watch.

To add site meter, follow the directions on this link:

Their directions are actually a bit more complicated than it is. At the bottom of that site, where you'll click for site meter, it will also have a link to instructions for google analytics. I think you can also get it from the sign in page.

Hope that helps, if not, let me know and I'll try again.

KATY, you don't show up on my counters either. Hmmm!

ANYBODY--know another stats counter? I'm a total stats geek, so I love this stuff! I'd add another if it tracked better.


kim-d said...

Hey Lanny~Shinystat is another counter...