Monday, September 17, 2007

Extra Cuteness

Poor Linus! As I suspected, she is sick. She still managed to say some cute and funny things today though.

This morning she asked me if she could ask Santa for a princess bra. I told her I didn't think so. When she asked why not, I thought I'd be clever and take the you don't need one approach, so I told her that she didn't need one yet. She asked if she could ask Santa for one when she got older. I told her I guessed so, but just because she asks doesn't mean he will bring it even when she is older. That seemed to satifsy her, which satisfied me. A few minutes later though, she hit me with, "Mommy, can I ask Santa for boobies for Christmas?" ACK!

By late afternoon, Army has a noticible 5 o'clock shadow every evening. Tonight at dinner, Linus looked over at him. Looking wasn't enough, so she got up and rubbed the stubble on his chin. Then she said the cutest thing. She said, "Daddy, you have beard seeds to grow a beard like Condad (my dad who has a beard right now)." Isn't that adorable?

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to edit a certain four year old's Christmas Wish List!!!


kim-d said...

Oh my gosh, that is hilarious! Boobies for Christmas--for a four-year-old! Only Linus could come up with that one! Two of my granddaughters also became bra-and-boobie-obsessed at about that same age, but neither thought to ask Santa for the latter; they settled for trying to play with mine every chance they got--HA! And beard seeds? Awww, now that is pretty inspired, in my opinion! A tad bit of an artistic streak, perhaps? I'm so glad that nothing can keep the little poxy lady down for long...and also that it sounds as if all sickies in the Lanny household are now able to sit up and take nourishment! Why don't you grab Poxy and come on over for a cup of coffee. I've got a big bottle of Kahlua, and a smaller one of Amaretto...HAHAHA! Gotta love those coffee add-ins!

kim-d said...

Lanny, are you sick? I'm getting a little concerned. I honestly hope it's just that you're very busy with Poxy Lady and Virus Army...and not that you're down for the count, too!

kim-d said...

Lannym I really miss you.