Monday, March 30, 2009

Linus Strikes Again

Mama, do you believe in following your dreams?


Good, because last night I dreamed we went to Walmart and got the same backpack as Maddie, the one I've been asking for.


Jeannie said...

I am laughing out loud! She is so funny, and sooo smart! You almost need to get her the backpack based on the logic!

I worry that the kids will eventually work as a team to outsmart us.....

Barb said...

Okay ~ so she definitely deserves that backpack for being so clever! Ya gotta reward that kind of thinking.

Alice said...

Man, she's good!

Anonymous said...

That wins all time prize as THE best thing I ever heard!I think I'm going to be sharing this one with everyone I know. It is hysterical.

Astrid said...

That is absolutely hilarious. Smart kid. lmao.

(And man, is she going to be a treat in about 10 years)

joanne said...

Thank you Linus, I needed that j)

kim-d said...

Always remember...I said it first...

She WILL be our first female President.

She is WAY, WAY, WAY BEYOND good. Really, get the kid the backpack! If you don't, I will. :)

katy said...

I love her thought process. Wait until she starts wanting jewelry.

Mike said...

You are in for some real trouble when she gets older. Sounds like a lawyer in the making. Good luck...

Debbie said...

My son is 22 and he still gets me. I fall for it every time.

Head to Walmart :)

katy said...

Prom pictures are up. Now I must pack, I really have no choice.
You need to get on facebook.