Wednesday, March 25, 2009

An Extra Eww!

Marketing people should ask Linus for her opinion before they use their ideas on products.

At Costco this evening, Linus noticed this product:

Hey, look, they have wipes for WonderDog now!

Wait. Ewww, that's gross.

Ewww, I'm never wiping WonderDog's bum! Ewwwww! Mama! Ewwww! Gross! WHY, Mama, why would they make that?


Army and I somehow stifled our laughter...until a lady walked over to check out what the commotion was about and cracked up!

Moral of the story: Don't put a DOG on a wipes container. There's nothing cute about poop, so don't try the puppies and babies angle! Linus will call you on it!


Leia H said...

Ha! I would have NEVER connected the two! Kids are far more observant than adults.

Mike said...

How about that commercial (forgot the brand name) the sells toilet paper and uses animated bears? With the paper still stuck on their butts. Just wrong...Call Linus.

Debbie said...

Oh, you got me on this one. I actually was sitting here with mouth hanging open. No way I would do it either!