Sunday, October 26, 2008

Extra Pathetic

Have I ever introduced myself? No? Well, Hi, I'm Lanny. I'm Lanny, and I have NO backbone. It's amazing I can even stand, but it's obvious that I can't stand up for myself.

I have complained and complained and complained about something recently. Everyone I know has asked why I haven't quit my commitment, but I refuse to quit something I've started until I've seen it out to the end. My plan was to quit as soon as I finished my commitment. Until today. When I agreed to extend it. BECAUSE I HAVE NO BACKBONE! UGH!

So, do any of you have a stock "no" answer? 'Cause I'm in need of one right about now.


kim-d said...

Backbone or no backbone, I love ya anyway :). I'm not so sure this will be helpful to you, but I'll share and let you decide.

Saying no is easier since I've had my "life's too short" philosophy. After Bill's illness and death, it just hit me one day that, even when we're relatively young, life can be shorter than we ever plan for it to be. Right then and there I decided that, whenever possible, I was only going to do those things I REALLY wanted to do, be friends with only the people I REALLY wanted to be friends with, and generally spend my free time the way I REALLY wanted to spend it rather than doing what other people wanted me to do. It's true that it takes some getting used to, and people are not always pleased when you no longer always give them their way, but it's worth it.

Just look at Linus and Lolly whenever you need a quick reminder of how unimportant the other stuff is :).

Okay, end of older-sisterly advice. How the heck are ya, and how are the L girls?

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

You'll know when you've had enough and you'll be able to say no. I'll confess I smoked since I was 17, yep 17...I was up to a pack and a half a day and quit..just like that this past June and haven't looked back. I don't know what you're struggling with, but if I can say no to a cigarette, you can say no to anything!

Mama said...

I just tell people that my priorities are God first, my husband second, my daughter third, my home fourth, myself 5th, and everything else 6th. If by the time I make it to "everything else" and I don't have time for it then I say no. If they don't like it, tough. I work on God's priority system. If they don't like it then they can take it up with Him.
Fellow IAC alumn

Alice said...

Can't help you. I don't have one either. If you find a spare, let me know....

Leeann said...

I do two things:

I run it through the litmus test of whether it causes pain or angst to myself or my family for me to commit to one more thing


I say, ALWAYS, give me time to go and check my other commitments. I will get back to you on that by (x date). I find I often say yes so I don't disappiont someone else and that relieves that pressure.
