Thursday, October 9, 2008

An Extra Meaning

Babies suck.

Army: What did you say, Linus?

I said babies suck.

Army: Linus, we do NOT use words like that in our house.

Oooookaaay, but why not? How else can Lolly eat?

And I had to hide on the stairs and hope they couldn't hear me snorting with laughter.


kim-d said...

Oh boy. Ooooohhhhh boy. It's gonna be even "worse" than I originally thought. You and Army are gonna need to bring your "A" game with that one EVERY TIME. Or she will shamelessly defeat you.


Jeannie said...

Funny. We have had some of our own eyebrow raising moments. Luckily the girls have never repeated any curse words that may have been said on tv.

The first time Nate asked for a fudgesicle was very funny. He still pronounces it his way, with a hard c sound instead of a soft g.....

Alice said...

You know she's going to be president one day. Just remember I called it.