Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Little Extra Organization Talk

We are attempting to move most of our stuff to the new house, and the movers will mostly move furniture and large items.  In theory it's a great idea because it will save money.  In reality it's another story. For example, I set a goal of emptying my kitchen by the end of the weekend.  After I cleaned all the cabinets at the new house, I moved my dishes over.  I bought one pack of paper plates last weekend so that we'd have plates to eat on.  It's been easy, and I must admit, it's been nice knowing that I have accomplished something towards getting us moved.  There has been one little problem though: dinner last night.  We had filet mignon, twice baked potatoes, and asparagus...on paper plates.  There's just something about a filet; it needs to be served on a real plate!

Another thing I have moved is hanging clothes.  Army thinks I have some anal tendencies, and truth be told, he's probably right.  Now all my hanging clothes are grouped by color.  They are NOT in rainbow order as I HAVE to start out light and end up dark, and let's face it, yellow is lighter than red.  My long sleeve shirts are on the top row, and my short sleeve ones are on the bottom.  For the past four years, Army and I have shared a closet.  Our entire married life before that we had separate closets.  It just hasn't been feasible to have things completely my way in the closet we share, but now that I'm moving on over to the other one, I'm LOVING it!  Army walked in just as I got the finishing touches on my hanging order, and before he made it completely in, he said, "Hey, Lanny, I'd be willing to bet you have your clothes arranged by color, huh?"  Apparently I'm predictable too.  

Army thinks I'm a little bit on the obsessive side that my closet is arranged like it is.  I think I'm just a little organized. I'll admit they are also in size order right now (because yes, things do vary between two sizes in my closet), but I know they won't stay in size order. That'd be too difficult to maintain once we move in. If I were anal, I'd keep them in size order, but since I'm not, I'll let that go. ;)

So, how are your closets organized?  

PS-There's also a slight possibility my spices are in alphabetical order (it's easier to find the one you're looking for that way), and there may be a few more issues like that, but I still stand by organized rather than anal.   Maybe my question should be a little more broad: how are things organized in your house (not only your closets)?


kim-d said...

Oh I just love questions like these! Movies are strictly alphabetical, CDs are alphabetical within genre, as are books. T-shirts in drawers are by the ones to be worn with blue jeans and the ones to be worn with black jeans, and "others." Socks, undies, etc., by color. The closet is by color within type. Spices alphabetized. The pantry is a mess
but in an ideal world, like things would be together. And the fridge, oh that is just a huge mess :). I used to be so much more organized, and I aspire to be organized again. Yeah. I'll be working on that. Probably for the rest of my freakin' life!!! HAHA!

katy said...

My closet is organized by 1.what is still on the hanger and 2. what has fallen in the floor....I'm such an unorganized person.

Daisy, Just Daisy said...

Tank tops

Short sleeves

Short sleeves with collars

Long sleeves

Long sleeves with collars


All from lightest to darkest.

And my spices are split by sweet & savory.

Alice said...

I do it by color, too. Suits on one side, casual on the other. Seperated also by season. How in the hell am I going to share a closet with a husband now???

Anonymous said...

My clothes are just hung. No order--not by color, types of clothing, or season. All mixed together. Same with shoes. What I use most are in the center. Hubs has his own hanging rod, same closet. It's a very large closet.

Spices--again, what I use most are front and center.

CDs--alphabetical. Same with books and DVDs.

Debbie said...

My favorite topic! LOL

I have gotten completely out of sinc here in organization. I used to be totally anal. My biggest thing now is just getting RID of clutter, then there's not much to organize! My closet? Oh gosh....

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