Friday, December 26, 2008

Extra Sad

Linus hates our 'new' house. We've been here for six months now, so I'm not sure we can really call it new anymore. She's made it clear for quite a while that she doesn't really like it, but it's been a more frequent topic of conversation lately than usual. Not too long ago she told us that she really doesn't like this house, and that she "left her smile at the old house" because she liked it more.

Tonight we did a drive-by to retrieve her smile from the old house. I sat back and smiled, pleased with my brilliant plan. As usual, Linus put a kink in my brilliant-ness. She tried to grab her smile as we drove by, but it was happier at the old house, so it didn't want to come with us.

Not to be outdone, I told her that I was so glad she tried, and that when she was able to convince her smile to go with us, that we could probably find a treat for her and the smile.

And again, she put a kink in my plans. "Well, ok Mommy, I just grabbed my smile. Do I get a treat now?" After confirming that she would indeed get her treat, Linus mentioned, "It's too bad I can't wear it, but at least I got it. Maybe one day I'll like our house enough to wear it. That reminds me, Mama...I think I want to put a new house on my Christmas list for next year."

Will I ever learn???


katy said...

Poor Linus. I wonder if she thinks of this new house as the house she had to move to when she was getting a new baby sister? I know she loves her new sister but there is probably a touch jealousy there somewhere. Memories of her other house were all about her.

brainella said...

I hate it when my three year old outwits me. :-) I feel for you.

joanne said...

That is possibly the sweetest story i've ever heard. I hope Linus finds her smile will work in the new house...;)

Anonymous said...

Work it! Work it! Work it!
She's pushing your buttons with maximum efficiency! LOL What a sweet story. Keep us informed on "The Saga of Linus and the Missing Smile" - great idea for a children's book!!

Glad you found my Blog and stopped by. We Southern Belles are a friendly sort! Welcome!!

kim-d said...

Lanny! I have missed you! But I find it reassuring that Linus continues to outwit, outsmart and outlast! :) And now she's learned to lay on the guilt. Merry 2009 to you...BWAHAHAHA!

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

Looks like Linus will not be outdone. She's so clever! Hope you have a blessed new year filled with peace, love, joy and SMILES!

Alice said...

OMG! How sweet is that?? I mean, I hate that she hates her "new"house, but I love that she knows how to express it.

I'm glad to see you're back and blogging!! I had fun "catching up." Hope your Christmas was grand and you're looking forward to 2009!