Sunday, December 9, 2007

Uh-oh, Uh-oh, and an Extra Uh-oh!

I'm fear my daughter's teenage years. She's always had a great sense of humor, but tonight it became apparent that she's playing us. We, however, were way too slow to get it until it became obvious.

At dinner tonight, Linus ordered her own meal. She told the lady,
"I'd like a grilled cheese, please."
Lady: What side would you like with it?"
Linus: Cimmanon Apples

We finished placing our orders and I turned to Linus and said,
"What kind of apples did you order?"
Linus: Fruit ones
Me: But did you order plain ones or ones with a flavor
Linus: Fruit with an apple flavor
Me: Ok, exactly what kind of apple flavored fruit did you order?
L: Cimmanon
Me: (smiling) What?
L: Cimmanon
Me: I love that!

A few minutes later Army and I were talking about it again.

Me: Linus what did you order?
Linus: apples cimmanon
Me: What about the other way (meaning cimmanon apples instead of apples cimmanon)
Linus: Oh you mean cinnamon?

Little turkey knew how to say it correctly the whole time. There are very few things she mixes up anymore, and I kind of miss her words. At least she gave me a few minutes to enjoy it.

A little while later, Linus was drawing a picture on the back of her children's menu. I could see she was drawing an oval with a baby in it, and I realized it was baby Jesus in the manger. Then she went on to draw something slightly above and to the right of the manger. I couldn't tell what it was, but she quickly looked at me and said, "Mommy, does God wear earrings?"
Here's the thing: You can't just say "no" to Linus because without a doubt her next question would be, "How do you know? You've never seen God, have you?" I took the cheater's way out and said, "What do you think? Does He?"


kim-d said...

I just cannot even begin to tell you how much I love your kid; and, as I've said before, she's a genius. When you add that to the fact that she has two incredible parents? Well, this kid has a future so bright she's gonna need a good pair of shades!

Daisy, Just Daisy said...

Thanks so much for the support! I also love your blog...which is kind of funny considering I'm a 24 year old law student with no kids to speak of. But Linus sounds adorable, so I enjoy stopping in to read about her antics. And...I think we both know New Orleans is heaven, isn't it?