Sunday, October 14, 2007

Extra Funny! :)

Want to see something funny?

(click to make it larger and be sure to look at the horse's mouth!)

When I said, "Smile!" I meant for Linus to smile, not the horse!


kim-d said...

Oh my gosh~~she looks so tall!! Linus, not the horse. :) Did she recently go through a growth spurt or something? Being vertically challenged myself, I love tall-ness in others. I miss you so much and I miss my Linusisms, although I do have to say you two are the only ones I know of who can get a horse to smile :)! Glad you shared.

kim-d said...

I miss you so much! BUT...I do have me some muffin mix! Thank you, thank you, thank you...I will be making them this weekend. I realize you're extremely busy and I even respect that; HOWEVER!!! You obviously do not understand the nature of my Linus addiction. And it's mainly your fault that I have the addiction to begin with, so you are just going to HAVE to find a way to slip me a little fix :). Seriously, don't work too hard, my friend!

kim-d said...

This is starting to look stalker-like...oh well, so be it!

Just had to come by and say hi, and I hope y'all are having a very good week. What I'm NOT going to do is tell you how much I miss you and try to lay a guilt trip on you for making me go through Linus withdrawal, Nope, not gonna do either one of those things--because I'm nothing if not a good friend. HAHAHA!