Friday, October 26, 2007

Extra Busy

I've been extra busy, but in a very good way. I've spent the last few weeks buried under loads of adoption work. We're finally at the point where we can see the light, but all that really means is we're at a point where we wait for a birthmother to choose us. Linus's birthmom is the most amazing person. I truly hope we are blessed with somebody as fabulous as she is.



kim-d said...

Well, you know that I'll be praying extra hard for! If I was a birthmom, I would not only choose you, but I would try to get adopted by you, too :)! This is so exciting, Lanny...exciting and nerve-wracking all at the same time. Please, please...make it soon...

I am not surprised that Linus's birthmom is amazing because you KNOW without a doubt that I think that to say Linus is amazing is a huge understatement. The most wonderful part of all, though, is that Linus will continue to grow in her awesome-ness because she has too-fabulous-for-words parents who love her to the moon and back and beyond. So I will pray extra hard that the next step happens soon!

Leeann said...

I wish you and your family all the best!

Lanny said...

Thanks Kim & Leeann!
