Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Extra Lazy

It's a good thing the teacher of a certain five year old has a sense of humor. I don't think she'll always be so lucky.

Linus brought home a sheet of paper that she worked on at preschool. On it her name was written twice with dots. She was to trace her name. She can write her name well, especially when it's all upper case letters, but these were written with lower case letters. Linus did as directed and traced her name twice. The next directions were to write your name twice. Instead of writing her name two separate times, she wrote LLiinnuuss. Why? It's soooo boring to do things I already know how to do. I asked her if she thought it was a good idea to not follow the teacher's directions. She told me that she did indeed write her name twice. I rephrased my question and asked if she thought it was a good idea not to follow her teacher's exact directions. She said that it probably wasn't, but that she knows her teacher loves her and she (teacher) laughed at it.

Do you have any idea how b-a-d it is for a teacher's child to be the one who gets in trouble? I always thought I'd go back to teaching when Linus goes to school. Now? MMaayybbee nnoott.


kim-d said...

OUTSIDE THE BOX, I TELL YA!!! A genius who thinks outside the box. And who could also have a side career as a stand-up comedian--BWAHAHAHA! I know I don't have to tell you this, but these are the things that are inevitably going to happen if she's allowed to get bored in school. And I fear these kinds of hijinx will be JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG because I expect she's going to be bored A LOT. If you start her out in school at anything under, say, the 8th grade level, I would be very afraid...after you've stopped laughing...If you haven't already, I think you should start working on her curtsy :)!!!! I personally think it was FFUUNNYY...

Leia H said...

He he he...what a goof! My SIL is a teacher and her niece is T-R-O-U-B-L-E! At least Linus is amusing! :)

Anonymous said...

That is one of the drawbacks to having a smart kid - they get bored in school. At least Linus' approach to that is humorous. I am a big believer in humor. And, man, if I were her teacher, I'd be cracking up constantly. I'm not sure that would be a good thing. Which is why I'm not a teacher.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, I love Linus. I know I say it a lot. But I do. Love. And I honestly don't say that about other bloggers kids.

kim-d said...

Stopping by for my Linus fix...and I agree with Nola. I love this kid. You know I do. And my answer to your question is, you just wait until you get all moved into that new house. You only THINK your folks will be your only roommates...BWAHAHAHA. Actually, though...I'm gonna bunk in with Linus. I need to learn some stuff from her :)!!!