Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Who's On First

My life appears to be a daily Abbott and Costello routine. When Lolly has a bottle, it's a Dr. Brown's. They have a million parts, and it takes me forever to load them in the dishwasher. Linus was watching me load the other day, and she has some questions. Apparently she thought Dr. Brown was a person we know.

Linus: Mama, how many bottles did Dr. Brown give us?
Me: What?
Linus: Dr. Brown. How many bottles did he give us for Lolly?
Me: Twelve.
Linus: No, not Dr. Telf (her pediatrician), Dr. Brown.
Me: No, not Telf, Twelve.
Linus: Mama, bottles. How many bottles did Dr. Brown give us for Lolly. Not Dr. Telf, but Dr. Brown.
Me: Twelve, Linus. Not Dr. Telf, but twelve Dr. Brown bottles.
Linus: Nevermind.


Alice said...

Sounds like a conversation we'll be having in our house soon. Except it will be between me and my husband. :)

Katie said...

HAHAHA!! giggle..giggle....

katy said...

It's like having a conversation with my husband and dad at the same time. They both are losing a bit of hearing.

Mike said...

Just picture yourself with the same conversation in about ten more years. That's what I have now on a daily basis...

melanie, aka Mo said...

I Think the names Linus and Lolly are just the CUTEST!! I wanted my kids to have cute names like that! I lvoe "ellie", and am still trying to settle into "gabbi". Todd will NOT name another of my kids! mel

Leia H said...

OMG I love that!